API Documentation

Biosiglive is divided into several modules that can be used combined or separatly.


Interfaces are use to give a wrapper for python SDK used to retrieve data from a software. There are some pre-implemented interface to retrieve data from Nexus software, Delsys Trigno community or from a biosiglive server. Any custom interface can be created using the GenericInterface class an example is available on examples/custom_interface.py.


Some processing functions are available to process biosignal either in real time or offline. Processing examples are provided in the example folder.

File I/O

Data can be saved in a pickle binary format using the .bio extension. The particularity is that the data are added to tho file without read it which allow fast data saving. A function is available to read the data saved in the .bio file and return the data as a dictionary.


The display of the data can be made using the preimplemented functions. It can be a live-updated curve, progress bar, 3D scatter plot or even a 3D skeleton plot (using bioviz library). All these plots, except for the skeleton, are made using the pyqtgraph library which allow fast and modulable display.


Here some pipelines are avaible to easily retrieve and disseminate data througth a TCP/IP server. A end-to-end pipeline allowed to compute MVC from EMG data in live during the trials. A class is avaible to create the user custom pipeline to stream data, process them if needed and disseminate them througth a TCP/IP connection, all this using the multiprocessing python library to allowed the live stream.